Jordan Sanchez Poem at The Hub Live | Climate Week Skip to main content
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Jordan Sanchez Poem at The Hub Live

Climate Week NYC brought together a lineup of inspiring voices and innovative ideas dedicated to tackling our planet's most pressing challenges. Among the notable highlights of the event, Jordan Sanchez's captivating poem presentation stood out as a powerful call to action, weaving together art and activism in a truly remarkable way.

Jordan Sanchez poem reading

Sanchez's opening lines resonated deeply with the audience, painting vivid images of a world in crisis and emphasizing the urgency of addressing climate change. Through metaphors and evocative language, Jordan made the complex issue of climate change tangible for all to grasp.

''A reminder that this can be real if I want it to be. This dream can be real if we make it to be.''

Jordan Sanchez

Jordan Sanchez poem reading 2
Jordan Sanchez during The Hub Live evening reception

As the poem unfolded, words were not only a call to action but also a celebration of the planet's incredible biodiversity and natural wonders.

To listen and enjoy the full poem and performance by Jordan Sanchez, watch the video created by Pattrn Media.

Jordan Sanchez poem reading during The Hub Live